Give Us Feedback

Resolute Support Values Your Feedback

It’s important to us that your experience is positive, and our team is ready to listen. Understanding what we’re doing well, and the areas in which we can improve helps us create an environment that is inclusive and safe for everyone.

Our commitment to you is that we will listen to your feedback fairly, you will never be treated differently moving forward and your confidentiality will be upheld at all times.

Please refer to our How to Make a Compliant brochure.

Hear From Our Staff

If you would prefer to not fill out this online feedback form, you can email  or call our office on (02) 4072 1938

Feedback Information

Can I Get Help with My Complaint?

Yes. If you require an interpreter, you can phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Resolute Support can assist you with this access.If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have communication problems, you can use the National Relay Service. Visit The Australian Government National Relay Service at

Escalating a Complaint

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you may take your complaint further by:

Disability Supports & Services

National Disability Insurance Scheme
Phone: 1800 800 110

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Phone: 1800 035 544

NSW Ombudsman
Phone: 1800 451 524

Resolute Support
We’d Love to Hear From You

Reach out to the Resolute Support team to see how we could help you achieve your goals.